National Anthem shimmers with golden light reflected from torn mylar blankets. Invented by NASA during the space race to protect astronauts, marathon participants may use them, and hunters may include them in their survival kits. They are excellent at keeping in body heat, and their reflective texture can be used to grab the attention of rescue helicopters, but they are thin and fragile–easily torn.
Underneath these blankets are layers of diagrams, maps, movie posters, and medical illustrations. They reflect a uniquely American consciousness built on technological innovation, domination of the physical environment, and subjugation of marginalized cultures.
The patterns of cultural upheaval caused by the myth of American exceptionalism are relived in the studio as I explore the processes of violence and trauma within the painted surface. The layers of diagrams and collaged material are smeared, scratched, melted, concealed, burnt, and torn, creating an ever-evolving record of progress and collapse.